Meet the 2024 club board

Our Board


Joel Kreeck

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?


What do you love most about the Club?


Why did you want to be a board member?
Because I’m very passionate about this club becoming the best club on the Northern Beaches in years to come if not it already is.
I also get alot of joy knowing this club provides a safe place for the community to come and enjoy all our great facilities we have to offer.
What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

President. I want to make sure that our club is moving forward with the times and giving the community a place we they can come and enjoy themselves. Also providing a great program for our junior kids, men’s and women’s seniors to be the best that we can be.

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?

I’m very tall and I love gardening and grow a mean chilli.

Vice President

Michael Coote

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

I first came to the club in 1989 playing U11’s and since then it has always been a part of my life. It’s provided me with good memories and great friendships that I will have forever.

What do you love most about the Club?

Spending time with great people who love footy and know how to have a good time.

Why did you want to be a board member?

When you’re a young player you don’t realise what it takes behind the scenes to give you the privilege of playing the game. I just wanted to play my part in giving that opportunity to the next generation of players.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

I’m the Vice President of the club. I think our achievements this year shouldn’t just be measured by our on field results, we are planning some major infrastructure improvements and are positioning ourselves well for the future by developing our juniors into quality senior footballers. The recruitment of a high quality and very experienced football manager has already been a big achievement and is a sign that our club is moving in the right direction.

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?
My wife and I love to travel, we have been to 35 different countries together, somehow we’re still married.
Sri Lanka is next!!


Sarah Courtney

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

My husband Brent has been on the junior committee for 8years this season, 3 years into that period and having been a volunteer team manager after registering our son in U8s, I realised I loved the club and the community that came with it just as much as he did and you know what they say “If you can’t beat em, Join em “

What do you love most about the Club?

I feel strongly that it is not just the sport this place offers, it becomes a vessel for so much more for our players and members. This club is a safe place for so many of our players and I love that our volunteers take that responsibility more serious then anything else which I feel makes Centrals such a special community.

Why did you want to be a board member?

I joined the senior board with the purpose of hoping to bring the Junior and Senior clubs closer together as I am a big believer that “If you are not part of the solution your part of the problem”. I feel we have come leaps & bounds as one club in very recent years, however I personally have gotten way more from becoming a senior board member then I intended. It’s an honour to work with such committed and passionate board members collectively wanting make Centrals the best AFL club in Cairns for years to come.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

I am the Junior & Senior club Secretary.  I look forward to playing an integral role within our clubs 5year strategic plan while embedding a strong one club culture across our Junior, Senior & women’s club networks. Our junior development pathways is particularly something important to me and our players continuing on with their AFL at Centrals during & beyond their junior careers.

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?
Believe it or not, I actually do have a life outside the Kennel haha ..
A Mum to 2 beautiful humans ( Nash 15 & Ella 18), wife to Brent ( lovingly called BC by me ) I sit on the board of directors of 2 private companies, 1 full time and 1 consulting mostly RE Sales/ Marketing & Business Development, while Brent and I also run 2 local businesses. (Kick Academy & Brents construction & facility maintenance company BSC Management ) … annnnd I may just be more flexible then I appear .… Although the broom party trick only comes out on VERY rare occasions these days !  ( generally encouraged by a few glasses of bubbles haha)

Finance Director

Matt Corradini

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

Having been a part of other football clubs in South Australia and seeing the potential on field that the club had at the time, then meeting mates through work that were involved in the glory years as players made me want to help the club back to the front.

What do you love most about the Club?

The people I have met along the way that are now lifelong friends.

Why did you want to be a board member?

To try to accelerate the on and off field position of the club and help in anyway needed to make it the destination club for players when they choose to play football in Cairns.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

Treasurer, With the appointment of a new football operations manager, start to direct the club into being the most professional club in Cairns on and off the field.

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?

My true passion is motorsport, I was a navigator in rallying many years ago and have a VCR collection of most of Michael Schumachers wins that I can’t bring myself to throw out.

Strategic Planning Director

Carmel Crathern

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

I grew up with the club and have spent a big part of my life in and around the club, when we were kids, every day wherever mum and dad were, the 5 of us kids were pitching in. It was so much fun and very inclusive, whether we were selling raffle tickets, working in the tuckshop, boundary/goal umpire, team manager or water runner, we always felt welcome!  Girls couldn’t play back then, but dad included Tess and I in training and we always had a footy with us wherever we went. Often Dad would drive us around to pick up players that didn’t have a lift, he would keep the car going and I would run in and round up the players who would pile in the station wagon!

What do you love most about the Club?

I love the people and the family culture, I have made many friends (who are more like family) over the years and I love that I can go to a game and know that I will see people I know, give them a hug and reminisce.  I am very much looking forward to the 50 year reunion in June as I will see people I have known since I was a kid, we will get to talk about old times with mum and dad and that makes me happy.

Why did you want to be a board member?

In 2021, when John Hollander called me to say the club needed help, I committed to the Board so I could help out where possible. Our focus was rewriting the constitution, ensuring there was compliance within the club, implementing a strategic plan and working towards One Club.  We’ve achieved alot over time since then, John was a catalyst for change and the one club trainsition and then Aaron implemented the Junior Pathways program, so I’m very proud of what we have achieved.  In the Board meetings, I always try to channel Kev’s strategic mind but sometimes Norma’s voice comes out of my mouth without warning.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

I look after the Strategic Plan implementation and Compliance, we had a planning session last week which was great, everyone contributed and put their hand up for responsibilities, we are all working together to deliver what we can this year and plan for the legacy that the club can provide into the future. My main goal this year is to ensure the Football Operations Manager was appointed to support the coaches, be the go to person for the club and take some responsibilities off Joel, we love you mate, but you take on too much!

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?

Well, Kev had great sporting ability, not just footy, everything he played he excelled at (hard role model to live up to!) however I am the only family member (including the grandkids) who didn’t receive the sporting genes or competitive nature, I was the team filler! However, I have other strengths, I have a very creative and innovative side so have worked in many fields including film and television.  I am currently working in an Innovation role where I work with start ups, entrepreneurs, researchers and investors to connect and collaborate to make new products and technology happen.  I love my work, I also especially our Deadly Strategy work with indigenous businesses and communities to help them drive innovation to create generational change, there are some pretty cool projects which is very rewarding and I look forward to seeing them come to fruition

Sports Director

Jackson Williams

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

I moved up from Adelaide in 2017 for one season and loved the location, lifestyle and club so much I’m still here 7 years later.

What do you love most about the Club?

Ability to attract and keep great people.

Why did you want to be a board member?

Opportunity to make a difference at the club and make decisions that lead to success on the football field.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

My role is football director and I hope to help build the foundations for success in the coming years.

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?
Ive represented South Australia for ping pong.

Facilities Planning

Ron Easterbrook

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

I joined the club in 1991 and played for CTB for 10 years , the standard of football was very high and the side was quite successful during this era, the comradery and bonding particularly off the field was next level.

What do you love most about the Club?

The thing I love most about the club is the friendships that were formed and still exhist decades later, in particular watching friends have families and seeing their children grow up and play football for centrals.

Why did you want to be a board member?

I felt that I would like to contribute to the club and join the board in order to help the club get stronger and assist the other board members.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

Board member who would like to see the club build the senior teams into a successful strong side ,hopefully with the appointment of the new football operations manager I believe we can recruit and build this year and be serious finals contenders for the 2025 season.

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?

I have been a member of this club for 34 years.

Marketing Director

Sophie Cooke

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

I’ve always been around footy clubs growing up, love how much of a community it is and love playing AFL. When I moved to Cairns from Brisbane, it was a no brainer to join the local footy club to meet people and make friends, and centrals welcomed me with open arms!

What do you love most about the Club?

I love that centrals always feels like a family. No matter how many years you’ve been apart of the club, whether your new or old, an experienced player or inexperienced, a junior or a senior, I think you will find centrals to be a warm and welcoming place.

Why did you want to be a board member?

I wanted to provide a voice for the women’s side of a club, and also to provide a younger perspective to the board to ensure we look to the future and create solid foundations/relationships for the years to come.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

My role is Marketing Director, and I look after all the clubs socials, e-newsletters, advertising and website. My goal is to grow the club as a “brand” so that we look professional and welcoming to all potential players, sponsors and supporters. Having a strong brand and look is important to how people will perceive your business and in turn, this will increase recruitment, memberships and build our community. We want everyone to know – Centrals is the best club in Cairns!

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?

I play bass guitar

Board Member

Yuka Shiroma

What attracted you to be a part of Central Trinity Beach Bulldogs?

Great teammates.

What do you love most about the Club?


Why did you want to be a board member?

To contribute to “one club” transition.

What is your role on the board and what do you hope to achieve in 2024?

Liaising womens department and the board to make one club transition happen in 2024.

Tell us something about you that not everyone knows?
My nickname Shazza is from my family name Shiroma. You need an Aussie name, mate! said my lovely teammate, Speedy.

Welcome to Centrals Trinity Beach Bulldogs! 

Come visit us, or send us an enquiry below.

b Tuesday and Thursday: 5-7pm